Founded in 1992, the Seed Trade Association of Arizona (STAA) is the only seed industry networking affiliation in Arizona. Our membership consists of over 50 companies and individuals who are involved in seed production and distribution, plant breeding and other related agriculture industries. We educate and advocate for our members and for our industry so that we are one small but mighty voice. Our scholarship program is a crucial part of our association as we believe that we need to continue to forge a better path and provide for educational opportunities to those that will come in our wake.

Since 2011, STAA has given over $60,000 in scholarships to students, helping them to achieve their scholastic goals.  The funds are raised through the publication of the annual magazine and ad sponsorships, public and private donations as well as our raffle auction at the annual convention.  To be a donor, please contact Kathy Startt at 520-305-3586 or email her at


Meet some of the students who have been the recipients of our scholarships.

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Scholarship News

The STAA offers scholarships annually to qualifying students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) at the University of Arizona and other institutions in the state and Imperial Valley. The scholarships are administered through the CALS Office of Academic Programs (or the appropriate office at other institutions) according to guidelines established by STAA, as cited below.
The amounts of the scholarships are augmented by matching contributions from the Southern Seed Association and the American Seed Trade Association, both of which are listed as joint sponsors of the awards.

The award criteria established by STAA are:

  • Arizona or Imperial Valley residency and graduate of an Arizona or Imperial Valley high school
  • Lower/Upper division status – freshman, sophomore, junior or senior
  • Major in Plant Sciences, Crop Production or Ag-Tech Management

Students may contact:

CALS Office of Academic Programs at
PO Box 210036, University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721-0036

Phone: 520-621-3613

Fax: 520-621-8662

Web site: Scholarship Universe

YCAP Scholarship: Deadline April 15, 2024


The Scholarship Recipients for 2023-2024

Meet some of the students who have been the recipients of our scholarships.

Paige Johnson
UofA | Senior | Agriculture Technology Managment & Education

Paige Johnson is a senior at the University of Arizona, majoring in agricultural technology management and education. Her eventual goal is to apply her knowledge and experience in the agriculture industry to the classroom as an agriculture teacher.

“I hold teachers and education to the highest regards,” she said. “I believe there is little that is more important than investing in younger generations and ensuring they are knowledgeable and compassionate members of society who understand the importance of agriculture and the environment. … I always knew I wanted to pursue a career that allowed me to create positive change, and I cannot think of a more important task than helping provide young adults the skills they need to be successful in their personal and professional lives.”

The scholarship helped her focus on her education and eased the financial stress of pursuing student teaching this spring. She is currently student teaching at Desert Edge High School. “I sincerely appreciate the assistance,” she said.

Julia Kathleen Joy Ostberg
UofA | Senior | Agriculture Technology Managment & Education

“I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for making the Seed Trade Association of Arizona and Southern Seed Association Scholarship possible,” wrote Julia Kathleen Joy Ostberg, who goes by Jay. “The financial assistance you provided will be of great help to me in paying my educational expenses while avoiding debt.”

Ostberg is in the fifth year of attending the University of Arizona, majoring in agricultural education and minoring in soil and water science, with the goal of becoming a high school agricultural science teacher.

Rhett Vance
UofA | Freshman | Agriculture Technology Management

Rhett Vance is a freshman at the University of Arizona, currently studying agriculture technology management. He hopes to gain his PCA license and work in Yuma.

“Growing up in Yuma, I’ve been surrounded by the agriculture industry my whole life,” he said. “My main inspiration to work in this industry would be my grandpa, who started grape farming out in Whitewing, Arizona.”

The STAA scholarship helped enable him to focus on his education and “stay driven toward my goals these next four years.”

Byron Gagnon
UofA | Junior | Sustainable Plant Systems

Byron Gagnon, a recipient of a scholarship from the Seed Trade Association of Arizona, is grateful for the “incredible peace of mind” it provided him. The financial boost has allowed him to work fewer hours at his job so he could focus on school and have some time for his family, friends and special interests.

Gagnon is a junior at the University of Arizona – Yuma, where he is majoring in sustainable plant systems with hopes to one day become a plant breeder. “I have no preference at the moment, though it will probably involve some kind of fruit tree,” he said.

He acquired his interest in agriculture and plant science in high school, “which carries on to this day. This program is fantastic and it being this close to home made the decision very easy.”

Elise Thelander
UofA | Junior | Agriculture Technology Management

Elise Thelander is a junior at the University of Arizona, pursuing a major in agriculture technology management with a minor in sustainable plant systems. Upon graduating, she plans to pursue a master’s degree, then move into production agriculture.

“Growing up in Yuma and around agriculture, I knew I wanted to be a part of it,” she said. “I was always involved in 4-H and FFA when I was younger so I had a strong interest in everything relating to agriculture. In addition to this, throughout high school and college I have had the opportunity to work for Barkley Seed’s quality assurance department, which has also inspired my agriculture major and minor.”

The scholarship provided funds to help her pay for tuition, books and the various expenses that come with being in college.

Jorge Velasco
UofA | Senior | Agriculture Systems Management

Jorge Velasco is a third- semester senior at the University of Arizona – Yuma, majoring in agricultural systems management.

“I was motivated to choose this major because agriculture has always been a part of my life,” he said. “And I enjoy every aspect and all of the intricacies that make this industry possible.”

So far, his career plans after college are undecided. “I am staying open to all possibilities as agriculture is a very broad industry,” he said.

The Seed Trade scholarship is helping him continue his college education, “so that when I join this industry, I am bringing university-level knowledge to help me be successful.”

Servando Campos
UofA | Junior | Agriculture Systems Management

Servando E. Campos currently is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in agriculture systems management at the University of Arizona – Yuma.

“My motivation stems from my family background, as I grew up in a migrant family with limited resources,” he said. “Throughout my childhood, my father worked in the agricultural industry to provide for me and my six siblings. I vividly remember accompanying him on weekend ride-alongs, where I had the opportunity to meet many individuals who supported and assisted my family. This experience has instilled in me a strong desire to give back to my community in the future.”

Being a first-generation student, he has faced the challenges of juggling full-time studies and a full-time job. “The scholarship has been instrumental in affording me the opportunity to take additional classes, furthering my knowledge and skills and paving the way for a brighter future,” he said.

Jacob Richards
UofA | Senior | Agriculture Systems Management

Jake Richards is a senior at the University of Arizona – Yuma, looking to graduate this spring with a degree in agricultural systems management.

“With ASM being a broad degree, I pursued it so I could have a variety of jobs to choose from,” he said. “ASM could be used as an entry to many industries in agriculture.”

While finishing school, he is working fulltime at Holaday Seed Company, specializing in product development in the desert Southwest. “I look forward to establishing myself at this company and learning as much as possible,” he said. His goal is to transition into sales in the next five years.

The scholarship has helped keep him on track to graduate this spring. “I appreciate everything Seed Trade Association stands for and helping students like me achieve their goals,” he concluded.

Jaisyn Wolfe
UofA | Graduate | Animal Health and Behavior

Jaisyn Wolfe, who attended the University of Arizona and Unity Environmental University, obtained a bachelor’s degree in animal health and behavior.

“I was motivated by of my love for animals and the opportunity to provide a service needed in our community,” she said. She currently owns and operates her own mobile dog grooming business.

She received her scholarship at the end of 2022, enabling her to finish her final year of school by easing the financial obligation to obtain her degree.

Ivanna Valenzuela
UofA | Senior | Agriculture Systems Management

Ivanna Valenzuela, an El Centro resident, is a senior at the University of Arizona -Yuma. She was motivated to pursue a degree in agricultural systems management because both of her parents work in the agriculture industry.

“I’m looking forward to joining the agriculture business industry,” she said, noting that the scholarship helped her with expenses as she commuted the past two years while attending school in Arizona.